One thing I like to do each 4 year, is to watch the winter Olympic and this year, it is held in our Country! The Canadian athletes are put under a lot of pressure: the sentence of the last past 4 years was; the Canadians, to finish first on the medal run on our own soil. It has been 3 days now that the competition is started and we are standing fourth.
But it doesn’t really matter at this point. I just want to highlight some of the best performances done by our athletes, and i will not forget those that didn’t won a medal, but performed really well.
My favorite Olympian, Clara Hughes, managed to finish fifth on the 3,000m speed skating, when everybody thought she couldn’t do better than a 10 position. It’s not over yet, and it is quite possible that she will win medal #6 on the 5000m, which will be wonderful, since it is on my birthday. I don't care about the color, i just think it would be great!
We then won a bronze medal, on speed skating 3,000m. Kristina Groove managed finishing third and here’s another medal to her 2 silver medals from the last Olympic.
Canada, and Québec, went totally crazy 2 nights ago, when we finally won our first gold medal. Alexandre Bilodeau, made an incredible performance on freestule skiing - Moguls - to win: a victory dedicated to his brother! His life is going to be changed forever. And Quebec is really proud of him.
Yesterday, we added another silver medal when Mike Robertson was finally passed by long time rival, and defending champion, the American Seth Wescott. The least we can say, Snowboard Cross is very far from being a boring sport to watch. Even if you don’t like sport, this is something you got to watch at least once in your life.

But it doesn’t really matter at this point. I just want to highlight some of the best performances done by our athletes, and i will not forget those that didn’t won a medal, but performed really well.
My favorite Olympian, Clara Hughes, managed to finish fifth on the 3,000m speed skating, when everybody thought she couldn’t do better than a 10 position. It’s not over yet, and it is quite possible that she will win medal #6 on the 5000m, which will be wonderful, since it is on my birthday. I don't care about the color, i just think it would be great!

On biathlon, Jean-Philippe Le Guellec finished #6! What a performance!!! He was able to compete with the best and did his best performance in career.
On the men’s downhill, Erik Guay finished only .33 seconds behind the gold medalist, Didier Defago, which allowed him to finish #5. 

Our first medal was won by Jennifer Heil, on freestyle skiing - moguls -, who was so close to be the first Canadian athlete to win a gold medal on her own soil, but she was passed by the last contestant, Hannah Kearney, who did better then she ever did before. A silver will do great next to her gold medal won 4 ago, congratulations!!!

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